The “Dairy Map”: the missing guide for all milk production questions

Map of Milk products (Wikipedia)

Quick, what’s the difference between Clotted Cream, Double cream and Crème fraîche? Clotted cream is >55% fat content and is made by heating raw milk, double cream is in the ~40~50% fat content range and is made from pasteurized milk, and Crème fraîche is ~30-40% fat content made from cultured (soured) pasteurized milk, which is why it’s tart.

Got it! Right? Not really. I know that if you quiz me in a few days, I’ll get it wrong again, and this particular example barely scratches the surface of the complex and world of dairy products and how they’re made.

Thankfully, I recently stumbled on this amazing diagram of Milk products on Wikipedia that has become my trusted go-to guide to answer all my dairy products. A picture can, truly, be worth a thousand words — enjoy!